Turkish citizenship by investment

CNVEST Analytics

Beyond the Numbers with CNVEST Analytics, Be Analytic!

CNVEST Analytics gives importance to numbers for investors in order to make them having profitable properties. The real estate sector accounted for approx. 8.4 percent of GDP in the last decade. On the investment side, FDI inflows stood at USD 13 billion, with real estate and construction garnering USD 5.9 billion (45 percent) of total FDI in 2018. Urban renewal and mega projects dominate the agendum...

Expand Your Borders & Invest In Your Life!

Expand Your Borders & Invest In Your Life!

The question of “Why to Invest in Turkey” is : Turkey is a democratic country welcoming all people of the world from various regions without discriminating any ethnicity or religion to live in peace all together. Successful and Robust Economy, Young Population, Qualified and Competitive Labor Force, Liberal and Reformist Investment Climate, Infrastructure, Centrally Located , Energy Corridor and...

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